The “Soft Launch” is ready!

  • The Soft Launch is where you can follow as new lessons are dropped.

    So far, the only two lessons that are filled out are the introductions for “Personal Growth” and “Maximize Kinetic Potential.”

    The first full lesson will drop Monday, February 24, 2025.

    Until then, look around, sign up for the newsletter to get updates.

    If you are able and willing to help make this project happen, you can make a donation below.

  • A couple of months.

    There’s somewhere around 200 lessons already outlined.

    It will take time to fill them all in.

    You can enjoy them one at a time as they drop for now.

  • This is a place to begin building out the Wholesome Patriarchy community… founded on kindness, empathy, strength, and supporting one another.

    This is also a pace dedicated to men’s mental health.

  • There are three courses right now:

    1. Personal Growth (FREE)

    2. Men’s Certification (FREE)

    3. Maximize Kinetic Potential ($2.99 for early adopters)

    The Personal Growth course will get the most attention first.

    I’ll also be working on the “Maximize Kinetic Potential” (a course on attracting women) at the same time for those who opt into it early.

    If you believe in the mission statement of improving men’s mental health and, after looking at the lessons that will be offered, believe this place can do that, please consider making a donation below to make this happen.

  • It’s a good question.

    Do you have any ideas?

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Your donation will help make this project happen.

“Wholesome Patriarchy” Sounds… Questionable.

I’m not okay with what I consider “the Old Patriarchy.” That’s the one that we know already.

I feel like I have good reasons for not being okay with it.

If you also don’t have good thoughts about it, I can see why this space would seem pretty heinous to you.

Calling it “wholesome” doesn’t make it better.

Here are some things that are very scary about the “Old Patriarchy:”

  • It puts people down because of how they were born.

  • It robs women of the ability to have the best, most meaningful lives for themselves as individuals, if that life differs from gender norms.

  • Its assertions are often untrue, especially on an individual level.

  • It makes abuse easier.

That’s just to name a few.

So, I understand being skeptical of anything bearing the name “Patriarchy.” We have reasons we formed very bad associations with that.

But, you might like it here more than you think.

That’s because the “Wholesome Patriarchy” is predicated on a couple things that makes it different:

  • It’s built on kindness and gentleness to the more fragile sex.

  • It requires permission.

  • Men are trained on it instead of just winging it.

  • At the end of the day, it’s a game and you can pause if you need to.

This is a place for people who are into that sort of thing, but don’t like the abuse.

If you want to play around with the patriarchy, but you’re not for abuse, this just might be the place for you.

How does this help men’s mental health?

Those of you who don’t know me might not know that my big thing is men’s mental health.


That is my main thing.


That’s a question a lot of people ask.

The short answer is: because I like men. I want to get together with them. I want to have relationships with them. It’s in my best interest if they’re in a good place, mentally.

Truth be told, it’s also in their best interest if I’m in a good place, mentally.


Right now, men seem to not be doing so good.

Whatever the reason… whether it’s feminism, or toxic masculinity, or screen addiction… whatever combination of things it is, it’s just best for all of us if it gets better in a way that allows us both to thrive.

…okay, but that doesn’t answer the question…

  • There’s 3 courses on this website.

    1. Personal Growth
      Obvious how this one helps with men’s mental health.

    2. Men’s Certification
      This helps, I just don’t know how to explain how it helps. And, I don’t have any evidence it helps. But you can trust me. I’m not educated at all. (And yet, you feel in your bones that I’m right).

    3. Maximizing Kinetic Potential
      This section helps men gain the charisma and empathy skills to build meaningful relationships with women more reliably.

    At the very least, this will help men build more social supports.

  • Someone who gives a damn.

    I’d say it’s 37% just listening to men, what they’re going through, what’s helped them and what hasn’t helped them…

    Another 34.1% just my own extreme, blistering war zone of mental health. I feel like, when you’ve seen the absolute extremes, you have an easier time helping other people who are somewhere along that spectrum.

    11% is just who I am as a bottom-up, neuro-not-like-everyone-else thinker who has always felt like they were outside humanity looking in. That feeds into my ability to understand alienation and how to overcome it.

    9.6% comes from my 4 years in therapy and having every coping mechanism, mental health homework, and self-help packet in the book thrown at me. I still have most of them. I’ll use them.

    The last 8.3% is just pure self-loathing.

  • You know… probably.

  • I don’t know.

    I’ve been around a minute. And… there’s a lot I know because of that… and because of other factors in my life. I feel like I’ve been especially awake and also in a lot of pain.

    Someone once said, “we become the people we needed.”

    Might sound sappy, but that’s kind of the wavelength I’m operating on here.

What makes “Wholesome Patriarchy” different from similar dynamics?

Nothing much.

Just that it’s way more specific.

And much more focused on men’s mental health as a key component to making the recipe work.

Course 1: Personal Growth

This is the first course I’ll be pouring myself into.

I’m not going to promise I won’t sometimes get side-tracked and upload some random lesson from one of the other two courses while I’m trying to focus on the Personal Growth course.

You know how I get.

That said, I imagine us going on a journey together.

Both of us getting better at the same time. I think we both need that. I also think it will help us both in the next course.

Course 2: Men’s Certification

This is the second course I’ll be working on.

Primarily, it talks about how to use your additional authority as a Wholesome Patriarch in a responsible, empathetic, and competent way.

Normally, these spaces can be a bit rough, but, if you really believe in the differences between men and women, women are more delicate and need to be handled with greater care.

This course trains men on things they might not ordinarily think about, but will matter to the women in their care.

Course 3: Maximizing Kinetic Potential

This is the only course that is paid.

It’s $15 for people who purchase it after it’s finished and $3 for people who purchase it while it’s still being built.

One time payment for all future updates. Forever.

This course gives men the skills to attract and keep a happy woman.

Okay, a couple more questions…

  • As of this exact moment, no. I’m working on building up to a soft launch hopefully today, but possibly tomorrow. (February 20, 2025)

  • A fairly detailed outline of each course… but not entirely complete.

    I’ll add more as people go through the early lessons and give me feedback.

    I’m hoping this will be a back and forth process where I suggest something to you and you tell me how that worked for you, and I tweak and amend to make it better and better.

  • Months.

    The soft launch will be in a day or two (as of February 20, 2025).

    During that time, you can follow along as lessons are added multiple times a week.

    I’ll use your feedback to hone and improve each course.

    Each week, I’ll send out a newsletter to people enrolled in our mailing list detailing what changes were made or added that week.

    After probably three months or so, I’ll consider it “finished” and ready for a hard launch.

  • I know what I know, but I also have a pretty good idea of what I don’t know.

    I’ll do right by you guys and do my due-diligent research for each topic to give you the greatest benefit.

    I will always be honest with you about where I’m getting my ideas from. I won’t try to convince you of things that aren’t true. If something I said is just based on a gut feeling I have, I’ll tell you that.

    I feel like this soft launch will be a journey we all take together.

    It will be a journey I take with you guys as you go through it.

    We’ll all be kind of going through a thing together.

    I think it’s really going to be something meaningful in all our lives.

    Love you,
    Lilly ❣️

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I just started and I’m so excited.

And lonely.

So far.

Follow follow follow.

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First lesson to drop Monday, February 24, 2025!