Personal Growth

Let’s do a good thing for us together. ❣️

2/21/25: FULL outline done!

Lessons marked “FINISHED” are ready. Others are empty.

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Every donation makes it easier for me to keep making this content.

P.S. I didn’t decide the prices.

Introducing your instructor

…as you know her best.

Boobs McQueen, as literally only she says.

Your instructor wanted to post an actual picture of herself, but Squarespace has policies against that.

But, anyways, you know the chick. Or, if you don’t know the chick, we don’t need to talk about that chick. Just enjoy the course. Glad you’re here.

As always, love you guys,
Lilly ❣️


There are literally no frequently asked questions as this course just started, but this section was here, so I feel obligated to put something down.

  • 100%.

  • Absolutely.

  • Probably.

  • Because you already do.

  • But also arrogant, yes.

  • Love you,
    Lilly ❣️

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