Personal Growth
Let’s do a good thing for us together. ❣️
2/21/25: FULL outline done!
Lessons marked “FINISHED” are ready. Others are empty.
…if we’re thinking in terms of selling the idea of you to others.
Refocusing on How Your Target Audience IS
When professional persuaders are trying to convince their target audience to take a particular action, they have to shift their thinking.
When professional persuaders are trying to convince their target audience to take a particular action, they have to shift their thinking.
In Personal Growth, You're the Target Audience
Persuade yourself the way the experts would persuade you.
Persuade yourself the way the experts would persuade you.
Consequentialism VS Deontology VS Virtue Ethics
The benefits of not thinking of yourself in terms of character.
The benefits of not thinking of yourself in terms of character.
Zero In on Your Objectives
Shift focus from what you think of yourself to what you want to think of yourself.
Shift focus from what you think of yourself to what you want to think of yourself.
Selfish Objectives VS Altruistic Objectives
At first, it can sound heartless to think of life in terms of objectives, but not all objectives are selfish. There are objectives we have for ourselves and objectives we have for the well-being of others.
At first, it can sound heartless to think of life in terms of objectives, but not all objectives are selfish. There are objectives we have for ourselves and objectives we have for the well-being of others.
Become a Fierce Agent for Your Objectives
I’m going to say something radical: many of you out there can do more good if you don’t focus on the content of your character as a whole, but by honing your attention on your personal and altruistic objectives.
I’m going to say something radical: many of you out there can do more good if you don’t focus on the content of your character as a whole, but by honing your attention on your personal and altruistic objectives.
How banishing this one word can change your life.
Collect Information on Your Target Audience (You)
Pay attention to what makes you tick, what motivates you, and what’s an obstacle. This includes information on what triggers certain emotions, and what de-escalates them.
Pay attention to what makes you tick, what motivates you, and what’s an obstacle. This includes information on what triggers certain emotions, and what de-escalates them.
Create a "Sales Funnel" for Redirecting Your Emotional State
Use a marketer’s tools to get your emotions where you want them to go.
Use a marketer’s tools to get your emotions where you want them to go.
How to Use the Marketer's Strategy in Your Conversations with Other People
These strategies are helpful for your own personal growth, but also for your interpersonal relationships.
These strategies are helpful for your own personal growth, but also for your interpersonal relationships.
Benefits of Thinking of Your Emotions According to the Marketer's Strategy
How can your life improve using these strategies?
How can your life improve using these strategies?
Observing Your Emotions as They Arise
The Buddhist strategy to being in control of your emotions starts with observing their presence and pausing a moment to take inventory of your internal environment.
The Buddhist strategy to being in control of your emotions starts with observing their presence and pausing a moment to take inventory of your internal environment.
Defining Your Emotions
Give your emotion a name and learn to sit with it a minute. Strategies included!
Give your emotion a name and learn to sit with it a minute. Strategies included!
The Garden of Seeds
Learning about the Buddhist concept of there being a garden of seeds within your mind can help you organize and manage your emotions with more dignity.
Learning about the Buddhist concept of there being a garden of seeds within your mind can help you organize and manage your emotions with more dignity.
What Seeds are You Watering?
Learn how to identify the seeds you’re allowing to be watered, and divert that nourishment somewhere else.
Also, hone in on the specific external factors that are watering seeds you don’t want watered.
Learn how to identify the seeds you’re allowing to be watered, and divert that nourishment somewhere else.
Also, hone in on the specific external factors that are watering seeds you don’t want watered.
Get Specific About the Source
This step helps divert you away from making personal attacks in an argument.
You’ll learn how to zero in on specific actions that triggered a particular response in yourself.
This step helps divert you away from making personal attacks in an argument.
You’ll learn how to zero in on specific actions that triggered a particular response in yourself.
Recognize the Interactive Cycle Between Yourself and the Other Person
When I behave a certain way towards you, what you received from me becomes a memory, it starts a process of pattern recognition in your brain. My action becomes a part of your mind.
This builds up over time. Part of our current interaction is colored by previous interactions.
This is the Buddhist concept with a name… but I’ll have to look up that name when I write this lesson.
When I behave a certain way towards you, what you received from me becomes a memory, it starts a process of pattern recognition in your brain. My action becomes a part of your mind.
This builds up over time. Part of our current interaction is colored by previous interactions.
This is the Buddhist concept with a name… but I’ll have to look up that name when I write this lesson.
Examples of Things to Say With This Strategy
Putting together everything we’ve gone through so far, here are some ideas for how to reframe difficult emotions the Buddhist way.
Putting together everything we’ve gone through so far, here are some ideas for how to reframe difficult emotions the Buddhist way.
Benefits of Approaching Emotions with the Buddhist Strategy
Here, we’ll put together all the benefits you can take into your life when you use Buddhist strategies for mastering your emotions.
Here, we’ll put together all the benefits you can take into your life when you use Buddhist strategies for mastering your emotions.
In this lesson, we’ll define what we mean by “the Watchmaker.”
You are Still at a Very Early Part of Your Journey
If you’re looking at things through the Watchmaker perspective, your journey, as a whole, is still in its infancy. You’re not meant to be your best self, yet.
If you’re looking at things through the Watchmaker perspective, your journey, as a whole, is still in its infancy. You’re not meant to be your best self, yet.
There's a Reason the Watchmaker Made You the Way You Are
Consider that you’re not defective, but made in this particular way for a reason.
Consider that you’re not defective, but made in this particular way for a reason.
Perhaps You are Meant to Learn Specific Things for the Next Journey
If your life isn’t turning out the way someone else’s is, perhaps it’s because you need to learn different things for your next journey that they don’t.
If your life isn’t turning out the way someone else’s is, perhaps it’s because you need to learn different things for your next journey that they don’t.
How to Talk to Yourself Using the Watchmaker Strategy
In this chapter, we’re not going to go over how to talk to other people, because that’s pressing our religious thoughts on them, but we’ll use it to create better dialogues with ourselves.
In this chapter, we’re not going to go over how to talk to other people, because that’s pressing our religious thoughts on them, but we’ll use it to create better dialogues with ourselves.
Benefits of Using the Watchmaker Strategy to Manage Emotions
Wrapping up this chapter talking about the benefits of using the Watchmaker strategy in your everyday life.
Wrapping up this chapter talking about the benefits of using the Watchmaker strategy in your everyday life.
You are a Collection of Evolutionary Quirks
It can sometimes help to see yourself as the animal that you are.
It can sometimes help to see yourself as the animal that you are.
The Alligator is Not Older Than the Human
You have ancient genes in you because you are an ancient creature.
You have ancient genes in you because you are an ancient creature.
“You” are not all one thing.
Pre-Conscious Brain
Parts of your mind are cutoff from the conscious experience… and yet, they are still influencing you.
Parts of your mind are cutoff from the conscious experience… and yet, they are still influencing you.
Conscious Brain
It can sometimes help you to make more rational decisions to stop and consider which brain is currently motivating your actions.
It can sometimes help you to make more rational decisions to stop and consider which brain is currently motivating your actions.
We’ll never know for sure, but we can take some guesses.
Common Errors With an Evolutionary Origin
Things like Confirmation Bias and getting angry when people believe something different.
Things like Confirmation Bias and getting angry when people believe something different.
Conflicting Emotions
Evolutionary thinking can help us make sense of emotions that are in conflict with one another.
Evolutionary thinking can help us make sense of emotions that are in conflict with one another.
The Marie Kondo Approach to Disruptive Emotions
Most of our emotions come from some evolutionary advantage. They helped our ancestors get this far. We can thank them for their service and send them on their way.
Most of our emotions come from some evolutionary advantage. They helped our ancestors get this far. We can thank them for their service and send them on their way.
You are an Insanely Remarkable Animal
Reminding yourself that you’re just an animal that spawned here and is trying your best can help put your current status into perspective.
Reminding yourself that you’re just an animal that spawned here and is trying your best can help put your current status into perspective.
How to Talk to Yourself Using the Evolutionary Strategy
We’re not going to talk in this lesson how to speak to other people from an evolutionary perspective, because that can be taken as pressing your religious views on them.
But, we are going to talk about how to use this strategy to develop a more useful internal dialogue.
We’re not going to talk in this lesson how to speak to other people from an evolutionary perspective, because that can be taken as pressing your religious views on them.
But, we are going to talk about how to use this strategy to develop a more useful internal dialogue.
The Benefits of Using Evolutionary Strategies for Emotional Mastery
We’ll talk about how you can improve your life using these strategies.
We’ll talk about how you can improve your life using these strategies.
Low-Level Programs
Divide the origins of your thoughts into different tiers of programs starting with the lowest level ones.
Divide the origins of your thoughts into different tiers of programs starting with the lowest level ones.
Complex Sub-Conscious Programs
Programs that are more complex, but still operate outside of the access of conscious programs.
Programs that are more complex, but still operate outside of the access of conscious programs.
Re-Writable Programs
Programs that don’t stay the same as they came out of the box. They become changed by the environment.
Programs that don’t stay the same as they came out of the box. They become changed by the environment.
One way to look at our stubbornness when it comes to facts.
Blowing on Cold Cereal
Another way to look at some of the odd quirks we engage in that don’t make sense… at first.
Another way to look at some of the odd quirks we engage in that don’t make sense… at first.
Your conscious mind has a lot of work it has to do.
A new way to look at those so-called NPCs.
Using Programmatic Language for Emotional Mastery
Here, we’ll look at a few ways you can change the way you talk about human behavior or oddities.
Here, we’ll look at a few ways you can change the way you talk about human behavior or oddities.
Benefits of the Programmatic Strategy
You’ll be able to take these new skills into your daily life to become stronger and more resilient.
You’ll be able to take these new skills into your daily life to become stronger and more resilient.
A nice little anecdote to get us started with this concept.
The Matching Mechanism
I’ve found that, when thinking of things in this way, people make a lot more sense.
I’ve found that, when thinking of things in this way, people make a lot more sense.
If we didn’t already know about bias, this would predict it.
If you look for it, you can watch certain keywords trigger a record-match to occur…
Horn and Hallo Effect According to the Matching Game
How the Matching Game could predict the Horn and Hallo Effects (if we didn’t already know about it).
How the Matching Game could predict the Horn and Hallo Effects (if we didn’t already know about it).
There’s something that’s failing to connect one thing to another.
Some matches will be stronger and more urgent than others.
Threats get encoded with a much bigger trigger than ordinary events.
Percentage of Sample Pool
A single event in a small sample pool will have a bigger impact than that same event in a bigger sample pool
A single event in a small sample pool will have a bigger impact than that same event in a bigger sample pool
How the Matching Game predicts some observable tendencies.
How to Use the Matching Game to Cheer Up Someone's Day
Thinking in these different terms can help you become more charismatic.
Thinking in these different terms can help you become more charismatic.
Benefits of Thinking in Terms of the Matching Game
Explore ways to improve your life with the Matching Game.
Explore ways to improve your life with the Matching Game.
It’s a simple concept, really…
Neurodiversity and Why Being Different is the Same as Being Ordinary
We can look at it like an exchange of engines…
We can look at it like an exchange of engines…
Thousands of Mini-Engines
It helps if you think of there being thousands of mini-engines with very minor jobs scattered all throughout your brain. Let’s talk about some of them…
It helps if you think of there being thousands of mini-engines with very minor jobs scattered all throughout your brain. Let’s talk about some of them…
When one of those engines find something alarming, they send out a signal for attention.
The Problem-Solving Engine
The most important engine. Also the only conscious engine. Much bigger than the other engines and has multiple other engines churning inside it.
The most important engine. Also the only conscious engine. Much bigger than the other engines and has multiple other engines churning inside it.
Use the Multi-Engine Model to Have Better Conversations
How to use this new thought process to think through conversations more thoughtfully. Lots of thinking being done here.
How to use this new thought process to think through conversations more thoughtfully. Lots of thinking being done here.
Benefits of Considering the Multi-Engine Strategy
How to gain even more control and direction in your life by using the Multi-Engine Strategy.
How to gain even more control and direction in your life by using the Multi-Engine Strategy.
There are photons you can’t see right in front of you.
The Only Thing You Will Ever See
…and yet, photons are the only thing you’ll ever see… even if sometimes they’re invisible.
…and yet, photons are the only thing you’ll ever see… even if sometimes they’re invisible.
The Translated Existence
We’re all trapped inside our skulls with only electrical impulses to keep us company.
We’re all trapped inside our skulls with only electrical impulses to keep us company.
The memory and the current moment.
You, the Observer
Look at the situation, your assets and liabilities, and make the most of what you’ve got.
Look at the situation, your assets and liabilities, and make the most of what you’ve got.
A new perspective on our internal voice.
Benefits of the Photonic Strategy
How will considering things in this new light change how you move through your day-to-day life?
How will considering things in this new light change how you move through your day-to-day life?
Learn how to peer into this part of yourself and accept it for what it is.
How the Shadow Self Helps You
Identify how your shadow self has helped you survive at some point in the past, even if it was your ancestors.
Identify how your shadow self has helped you survive at some point in the past, even if it was your ancestors.
How to Harness Your Shadow Self
How to use your shadow self in a way that meets your objectives… both personal and altruistic.
How to use your shadow self in a way that meets your objectives… both personal and altruistic.
Benefits of Making Friends With Your Shadow Self
Facing the darkest true part of yourself is hard, but it’s worth it.
Facing the darkest true part of yourself is hard, but it’s worth it.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a common tool used by mental health professionals.
Cognitive Distortions
We’ll talk about common cognitive distortions and how they could be holding you back in life.
We’ll talk about common cognitive distortions and how they could be holding you back in life.
Relaxation and Stress-Reduction Techniques
In this lesson, we’ll go over techniques you can use in your life to help you relax and relieve stress.
In this lesson, we’ll go over techniques you can use in your life to help you relax and relieve stress.
Behavioral Experiments
This is helpful for people who catastrophize and frequently imagine worse-case scenarios for things ahead.
This is helpful for people who catastrophize and frequently imagine worse-case scenarios for things ahead.
Concrete steps to a better, happier, healthier you.
Benefits of CBT
There’s a reason why these methods are used by the people who understand the human mind.
There’s a reason why these methods are used by the people who understand the human mind.
…and how your personal attachment style impacts your relationships.
Anxious Attachment Style
What is anxious attachment style and what can you do if this is your attachment style to build healthier relationships.
What is anxious attachment style and what can you do if this is your attachment style to build healthier relationships.
Avoidant Attachment Style
What is avoidant attachment style and what can you do if this is your attachment style to build healthier relationships.
What is avoidant attachment style and what can you do if this is your attachment style to build healthier relationships.
Disorganized Attachment Style
What is disorganized attachment style and what can you do if this is your attachment style to build healthier relationships.
What is disorganized attachment style and what can you do if this is your attachment style to build healthier relationships.
How to develop a secure attachment style.
Benefits of Understanding and Working on Your Attachment Style
Your future partners will thank you… and so will Future You.
Your future partners will thank you… and so will Future You.
How Stoicism Has Helped Other People Improve Their Lives
I don’t know much about stoicism… yet. I’ll research it heavily for this section, but I do know that many people have reported it changed their life.
I don’t know much about stoicism… yet. I’ll research it heavily for this section, but I do know that many people have reported it changed their life.
Stoicism and our modern usage of the word “stoic” don’t always align.
I’ll add more lessons to this section as I do research.
The Anti-Hero's Path to Redemption
If you’re in a low place, framing where you’re at as part of your hero’s (or anti-hero’s) journey can help you get up off the ground.
If you’re in a low place, framing where you’re at as part of your hero’s (or anti-hero’s) journey can help you get up off the ground.
Beginning of the Hero's Journey
Consider this the start of your epic novel about your journey from where you are now to where you’re going.
Consider this the start of your epic novel about your journey from where you are now to where you’re going.
Things might feel darker before they feel better.
Don’t be afraid of taking a while to get here.
Masculinity to Make You Proud to be a Man
There’s a lot of talk out there about “toxic masculinity.” This is his healthier cousin.
There’s a lot of talk out there about “toxic masculinity.” This is his healthier cousin.
There are many ways to provide your protection… both for yourself and others.
Focus on how to be a good leader - not how to be a good boss.
Even if you’re not a leader in anything externally, you can still be a leader in your own life.
Focus on how to be a good leader - not how to be a good boss.
Even if you’re not a leader in anything externally, you can still be a leader in your own life.
Another healthy masculine trait is care-taking.
Strength and empathy are a powerful combination in any human, but especially men.
Keep yourself grounded so you can be a strong leader of yourself, your family, and your community.
Keep yourself grounded so you can be a strong leader of yourself, your family, and your community.
Help This Grow
Every donation makes it easier for me to keep making this content.
P.S. I didn’t decide the prices.
Introducing your instructor
…as you know her best.
Boobs McQueen, as literally only she says.
Your instructor wanted to post an actual picture of herself, but Squarespace has policies against that.
But, anyways, you know the chick. Or, if you don’t know the chick, we don’t need to talk about that chick. Just enjoy the course. Glad you’re here.
As always, love you guys,
Lilly ❣️
There are literally no frequently asked questions as this course just started, but this section was here, so I feel obligated to put something down.
Because you already do.
But also arrogant, yes.
Love you,
Lilly ❣️